
Have a question to ask our experts?

Fill out the form to ask us a question and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Don’t be shy…we love helping business leaders, HR teams and recruiters make the greatest impact in their role!

General FAQs

Are you a recruiting agency?

Nope. Although we do offer recruiting services, there’s a few things that make us a lot different than a traditional recruiting agency. While agencies focus on filling seats, we work with companies beyond the hire to make sure they have high-performing teams delivering strong business results. 

Additionally, our recruiting model is built from the ground-up to strip away the excessive fees associated with recruiting firms. There’s no commissions, no upfront costs, no minimums, or other fees. The result is better hires at affordable rates. 

Last but not least, we use proven, proprietary techniques like Candidate-Focused Recruiting, Results-Based Interviewing, and the Core 4 Candidate Evaluation to make sure we consistently make high-quality hires that drive real value on your team.

What do you offer that our recruiting agency or our internal team can't do?

There’s a few factors that set us apart from internal teams or traditional recruiting agencies.

For starters, this is all we do! We live and breathe recruiting, and we’ve been honing our skills in this area for over 20 years.

For most businesses, recruiting is simply not their core competency.

With Qualigence, you’re working with a team that is entirely focused on meeting your talent needs in a way that drives value at your organization.

We also have the largest recruitment research team in the United States. There is no one better suited to uncover niche, hard-to-find talent. At other firms, you’re often paying someone to surface candidates you could have found yourself on LinkedIn!

Last but not least, our hourly model puts the focus on delivering value with every interaction.

We have to re-earn your business on a regular basis – and we do that by providing expert consultation on your talent needs and submitting candidates that truly fit your team.

But don’t take our word for it – check out some testimonials from our clients right here. 

If you want to learn more about how we could add value to your recruiting process, request a call with one of our consultants here. 

Can you help me hire or source diverse candidates?

Absolutely! We have a long track record of helping our clients surface diverse candidates that meet their unique talent needs.

Part of the challenge with diversity recruiting is that LinkedIn and other online platforms are over-saturated with recruiters trying to source the same candidates.

With our research team, we give you direct contact information for candidates that aren’t active on LinkedIn or other platforms.

It’s about uncovering the ENTIRE talent pool, not just the candidates that are easiest to find.

The result is a highly effective, affordable solution for sourcing and recruiting diverse candidates.

Do you specialize in recruiting or sourcing talent at a certain level? Can you find me an executive or a team of entry-level professionals?

We source and recruit candidates from the executive level all the way to entry level. We have a dedicated executive search team specifically for senior level talent. For other positions, our recruiting team is able to handle most any search or project.

Why should we use you? We already have a great relationship with an agency, use a LinkedIn recruiter, etc.

We bet your current solutions are great – but there’s always room for improvement, right?

Whether it’s boosting quality of hire, filling a famously tough position or even cutting costs, there’s a high probability we can add value to somehow or another to your process.

Need help sourcing niche candidates in a competitive job market? We can do that. Want a bit of external support while you manage a hiring spike? We can do that too.

There’s no reason why you couldn’t use one of our services to support your internal team or current solution – in fact we have a strong record of helping other TA teams work more efficiently with research and sourcing.

Request a call today and see for yourself how you could add value to your process with our solutions.

Can you do searches nationally or globally?

We can conduct searches anywhere in the world and have made placements globally. 

Contact us today to learn more about our experience in this area and see if we’d be a good fit for your project.

Do you specialize in any specific industries?

While we have experience in all major industries, we specialize in finance, IT/engineering, healthcare, life sciences, and sales/marketing. 

How quickly can you start new projects? Can I get help tomorrow?

Yep. We can begin a project within 24-48 hours. We can also begin sooner if needed with a rush premium.

Pricing & Business Model FAQs

How does an hourly model benefit me?

Traditional recruiting agencies have always used contingency or retained models to bill for their services. But both are flawed.  

The emphasis on commissions in contingency recruiting means that businesses and recruiters are incentivized to rush the process. The longer the search takes, the more money they lose. Unfortunately, this often results in poor quality of hire. 

Retained searches aren’t much better. They make you pay upfront when you haven’t received anything of value from them yet. 

Our hourly model puts the emphasis on our time and expertise. With no upfront costs, minimums, or commissions, you pay for what you need, when you need it. It means we must re-earn your business on a regular basis. If you don’t feel like you’re getting any value, you can stop at any time…but we’re confident you’ll want to keep using our services! 

The value shows in our results – we average 13% cost-per-hire and have worked with many of our clients for over 10 years. Read 

How do I know I’m going to get any hires, names or results paying hourly?

Before any project starts, we have an in-depth conversation with the client or prospective client about project goals. We work with you to determine what you hope to achieve and when you hope to achieve it – and set crystal clear expectations for what we expect to accomplish. 

We base these expectations on decades of experience with a wide variety of talent acquisition projects.

For every project, we discuss and agree upon specific timelines to ensure every client is satisfied with our progress and results.

Contact us today to learn more about what you may expect from a Qualigence project. 

I'm on a budget, are you guys expensive?

Our average cost-per-hire is about 13% and rarely exceeds 18%. That’s lower than the industry standard for contingency or retained search firms.  

But let us ask you a different question…if you’re worried about saving money, what are you doing to avoid bad hires or open seats? 

Once you factor in the costs of turnover, lost productivity, salary, morale, training, and so forth, a bad hire is tremendously expensive. The same goes for open seats. 

Isn’t it worth it to ensure you’re making the right hires? 

By hiring the right person from the get-go, you can save your organization an incredible amount of money and drive better business results.  

We leverage proven, proprietary techniques to make sure you’re getting the right person in the right role for the right reasons. Furthermore, our hourly model allows us to focus on QUALITY hires that will excel long-term at your organization.

Request a call with us today to learn more about our pricing.

Do I have to sign a contract?

Not necessarily, we can work off our contract or yours. We can substitute a Statement of Work for a contract, or if you prepay for services, no contract is needed.

Contact us to get details on what we might need to get started with your project.

Can I subscribe to your services?

Absolutely. We offer outsourcing solutions so that you can meet your recruiting needs over a longer period at a discounted rate. 

Our Project Outsourcing service is focused on tackling specific projects or short-term engagements as short as 30 days 

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is perfect for small to mid-size companies looking for a dedicated recruiting partner for 12-36 months. 

Contact us today to find out which outsourcing solution offers more value for your situation!

What model is the most beneficial for me, hourly, bundles or outsourcing?

That depends on your unique needs.

Hourly is a great way to get help with a specific project or get a sense of what we can do for your company.

Bundles are an excellent choice for comprehensively meeting your talent needs by pairing services, while outsourcing provides a steady long-term solution. 

Contact us today to learn more about our pricing options. You can also read about our pricing models here.

Are your rates negotiable?

Yep! We are happy to negotiate rates based on the size and scope of your project. 

Request a call with one of our consultants today to learn more about our flexibility on pricing.

Research and Sourcing FAQs

What’s recruitment research?

Recruitment research is a service for getting functional information on candidates and competitors. We tailor the results to your specific needs and verify all information to make sure it’s same-day accurate.  

Sure, you can use LinkedIn to find candidates, but we deliver targeted lists to make sure you’re uncovering the ENTIRE talent pool for your search. If allows you to find niche professionals in your region or uncover more talent if your usual sourcing methods are coming up short. 

Learn more here. 

What’s sourcing?

Sourcing is where we give your internal recruiting team a list of qualified candidates interested in your specific position. 

See, recruiters spend as much as 50% of their time sourcing candidates! That leaves them with precious little time to actually engage with candidates, build a rapport, and figure out who’s really a good fit for the role and team. 

It’s not that your recruiters can’t source candidates. It’s just not the most efficient use of their time.

Our sourcing solutions enable you to hit the ground running with a list of candidates who have the right credentials and are ready to discuss the opportunity. Learn more here. 

Can you get me phone numbers for candidates or sales leads?

Absolutely. Our research team has a proven track record of getting you direct dials and emails for candidates or sales leads targeted to your unique needs.

Get a list of phone numbers for all commercial lenders in your specific region, or for software engineers with a specific range of experience and qualifications across the United States.

All information we deliver is verified to be same-day accurate and is functionally targeted to your needs. Click here to learn more.

Can you guarantee me names or contact info?

Before any project starts, we have an in-depth conversation with you about your project goals. We work with you to determine what names or contact information you hope to get and how soon you hope to get it – and set crystal clear expectations for what we expect to accomplish. 

For every project, we discuss and agree upon specific timelines to ensure every client is satisfied with our progress and results. Contact us today to learn more about what you may expect from a Qualigence research project. 

Recruiting FAQs

I can't find a solar engineer/software developer/claims director in Anytown, USA. Can you find me one?

Short answer: probably! 

Long answer: every search is different, and we’d need the details on your situation to best answer this question.  

What we can tell you right now is that our team has a track record of filling positions that other recruiting teams have struggled with.  

Furthermore, our recruitment research team is the largest in the United States. We’re extremely effective at surfacing talent that can’t be found on LinkedIn, job boards, and so forth. 

We help you access the entire talent pool – not just the candidates that anyone can find in 30 seconds of Googling.

Contact us today to request a consultation on your talent needs.

Can you guarantee a hire?

Before any project starts, we have an in-depth conversation with the client or prospective client about project goals.

We work with you to determine what you hope to achieve and when you hope to achieve it – and set crystal clear expectations for what we expect to accomplish. 

For every project, we discuss and agree upon specific timelines to ensure every client is satisfied with our progress and results.

Contact us today to learn more about what you may expect from a Qualigence recruiting project.

What's your recruiting process look like?

Making a great hire for your team starts with understanding what you really need.

We kick off the process with a comprehensive intake call. The goal of this call is to understand where your team is today, where you want to be, and what you need to get there.

We talk to you about your ideal candidate, get a clear idea of what you are looking for, and offer advice and suggestions based on decades of recruiting experience and our in-depth knowledge of the talent market.

Next, we kick off a search to engage with candidates, talk to them about the role, and start evaluating who would be a good fit.

We leverage our proprietary Candidate-Focused Recruiting, Results-Based Interviewing and Core 4 Candidate Evaluation techniques to make sure we are submitting candidates who truly fit your needs.

Overall, we really believe in quality over quantity when it comes to our submissions. We would rather submit 5 candidates that you love than 15 candidates that vary in quality.

At every step in the process, we’re communicating to let you know where we’re at, how the search is going, any challenges we are facing, and so forth. Every candidate submitted is a chance for us to gain insight on whether we’re on the right track or need to adjust our efforts.

Last but not least, our process is flexible and can be easily adjusted to meet your needs – for example, maybe you want to interview candidates yourself or let us handle first-round interviews. It’s up to you and whatever best fits your recruiting process.

You can read more about our recruiting here or request a call with one of our consultants.

Talent Optimization FAQs

What’s talent optimization?

Talent optimization is about creating a people strategy that supports your business strategy. We can craft foolproof business strategies, but if we don’t have the right people to execute on that goal and if we’re not inspiring them to perform, we undercut our chances for success. 

For example, if you want to innovate, you need people who are willing to take risks in key positions. If you want to drive operational efficiency, we need someone who can see the big picture without losing sight of the details. 

We use people analytics from the Predictive Index to gain a deep understanding of your team and craft a people strategy to support your business goals. It’s about making sure you have the right people in the right seats and are making people decisions that drive business results. Learn more here. 

Who is the Predictive Index?

The Predictive Index is a leading people analytics firm that offers talent optimization software for hiring the right people and inspiring them to perform. The assessments from PI have been validated by over 350 scientific studies to improve hiring, remove bias and subjectivity to people decisions, and boost engagement and performance in the workplace.

Qualigence is a PI-certified partner, meaning we have access to their cutting-edge analytics platforms and are trained to educate organizations on how to use these tools. 

How does talent optimization actually help my business?

Have you ever crafted a foolproof plan but still fell short?

Ever missed your team’s sales quota, or felt like turnover was affecting your customer experience?

What about instances where infighting or miscommunication undermined the quality of your work?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you already know where your organization needs talent optimization most.

The truth is every challenge your business is facing is a PEOPLE challenge.

And 9 times out of 10, the people challenges we face – turnover, poor performance, ineffective leadership, lack of collaboration – are because we don’t understand our people well enough.

Just like any problem, you can’t fix it if you don’t understand it!

The talent optimization platform provided by the Predictive Index gives you a crystal-clear insight into what drives your people, where they excel, where they struggle, and how they will naturally behave in different situations.

Better yet, it provides customized, actionable reports on how you can address common issues, anticipate personality conflicts or work-related challenges, and create an environment where your teams will thrive.

In a nutshell, it gives you a customized, data-driven road map for addressing common issues like turnover, poor performance, ineffective leadership, lack of collaboration and so forth.

As a result, it allows you to make data-driven hires and adapt your leadership style, adjust your teams and develop a strategy for helping your people deliver their best.

How does talent optimization fit into recruiting and hiring?

99% of your business success starts with recruiting the right people. 

When we recruit people who are the right fit for the role, the team, and the organization as a whole, we can build teams that take our business to the next level. 

But the way most companies hire is all screwed up.

They hire based on arbitrary credentials like the skills on their resume, their years of experience, their education, and so forth. Skills and experience are important, but most of the time when someone fails on the job it is actually because of a behavioral issue. 

The talent optimization platform from the Predictive Index allows you to make data-driven hires that fit your needs.

You can predict how a candidate will perform in a role. You can also anticipate how they will mesh with existing dynamics, where they might clash with or compliment a leader, and so forth. 

And when you recruit the right people from the get-go, you basically supercharge your business!

You have less turnover, higher morale, higher performance, happier customers, stronger culture, you spend less on recruiting and training, and best of all, you earn greater profits. 

What makes the Predictive Index a better fit than other people analytics platforms?

There’s a few things that set the Predictive Index from other analytics tools: 

It’s designed for the workplace. A lot of people analytics tools give you great insights on people – but aren’t necessarily designed to be used in a work environment. The Predictive Index was built from the ground up to better understand people in the context of the workplace. Furthermore, it gives you insights on how you can use this data to drive actual business results. 

It’s easy-to-use and accessible. A people analytics tool is useless if nobody uses it! The main assessment from the Predictive Index can be completed in just six minutes, whereas other platforms can require an hour or longer. Furthermore, results are easy to read and offer customized, practical reports so that you can turn data into action. 

It’s scientifically validated. Over 350 scientific studies have confirmed the validity of the assessments from the Predictive Index. Furthermore, 94% of these studies have shown a significant relationship between PI measures and business performance.  

Is talent optimization applicable to my entire team, or just a specific level such as the c-suite?

The talent optimization platform from PI is valuable to your entire organization. The more people who take the assessment, the more you understand your people and your team. Understanding your leaders is great, but it’s even better if you can understand the nature of their dynamic with their teams and so forth.