
Over 20 Years of Unparalleled Financial Recruiting Excellence

Dedicated Research Team

We pride ourselves on having empowered many of the largest banks in the United States to successfully achieve their diversity goals.

Our dedicated research team is an expert in identifying and recommending highly qualified candidates from underrepresented groups, promising a more diverse and inclusive workforce for your banking teams.

Business Consulting

As a bank board member for many years, our CEO Steve Lowisz brings invaluable expertise and leadership to our team. With his deep understanding of the banking industry, we are equipped to address the unique challenges that bankers face in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. From tackling digital disruption to bridging the skills gap, we are committed to providing innovative solutions.

Financial Recruiting

Our ability to secure top-tier talent in the banking sector is unparalleled — whether you’re seeking committed branch managers, a capable team of commercial lenders, or region-specific underwriters.

Our dedicated team of banking recruiters and researchers is not just ready, but eager to facilitate your recruitment needs with precision and efficiency.

Why Top Financial Institutions Choose Qualigence


In today’s highly competitive financial world, it’s crucial to recruit the finest talent, create diverse and dynamic teams, and foster an environment that nurtures exceptional performance.

proven track record

As a partner to both Fortune 500 banks and local community banks and credit unions, we’ve established a proven track record in achieving these crucial objectives.

Experts in Finance

We’re not just here, we’re actively ready to transform your financial institution into a powerhouse of talent and performance. Our expertise is your advantage.

The Qualigence Process

Navigate through your recruitment challenges with our distinctive process, a structured roadmap designed to drive recruitment success. Each step is designed to select the right candidates to increase performance and retention.

  • Where is your business today?
  • Where is your business going?
  • What challenges are you facing?
  • Define who you have on your team
  • Define what they need to accomplish
  • Define who you need to add
  • Identify the entire talent pool
  • Access talent before your
  • Find the right talent, not just
    the readily available talent
  • Recruit the right people for the right roles for the right reasons
  • Use proven, proprietary methods to select the right candidates
  • Get the talent you need to execute your strategy


  • Use people analytics and world-class
    consulting to understand your team
  • Leverage that understanding to optimize
    your talent, leadership, and sales
  • Unlock your team’s full potential
  • Train your recruiting team to land top talent
  • Train your sales team to drive greater revenue
  • Train your leadership to unlock your team’s best performance and drive greater profits

The Qualigence Process

Navigate through your recruitment challenges with our distinctive process, a structured roadmap designed to drive recruitment success. Each step is designed to select the right candidates to increase performance and retention.

Performance Blueprint

Get Exceptional Talent at Competitive Rates

We come alongside you with a dedicated team of financial consultants, recruiters and researchers who function as a true extension of your internal hiring team, providing a fresh perspective, data-driven strategies and determination to get you where you want to go.

We have customizable services and pricing models to fit within your ever-changing circumstances.

Clients we’ve worked with:

Clients we’ve worked with:

Let’s Get in Touch

Contact us today for a free consultation on your talent needs. We’re looking forward to hearing from you