
Maximize Employee Retention: 8 Essential Onboarding Best Practices

Boosting Employee Retention with Effective Onboarding Strategies It's wise to equip employees for triumph from their initial days. Surprisingly, many firms overlook this, leading to a detrimental impact on retention rates. Workforce.com found that nearly 40% of...

Watch for These Warning Signs That Your Hybrid Strategy Isn’t Working

Hybrid strategies are all the rage, with 35 million employees in the US working at a hybrid workplace. While it sounds great on paper, the reality is that like any working environment, there are opportunities and challenges. If you’re wondering if your hybrid strategy...

5 Proven Ways to Reduce Bias in Hiring

The science is clear – we all have biases in some form or another. It’s just how humans are wired. We’ve evolved to see patterns, make generalizations, and jump to conclusions based on past experiences and associations. It's just part of human nature. The problem is,...

Quiet Quitting: How Leaders Can Better Engage Their Teams

Quiet quitting is one of the hottest topics in HR and business right now. In our latest Leadership & Legal, Steve and James tackled the topic head-on.  But what really is quiet quitting? How does it affect your business...and what can you really do about it?  It...

How Your Company’s Leadership Affects Your Retention Rate

There’s no two ways about it:  The leadership at your company has a HUGE impact on your retention rate.  The old saying is true – people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses.  Every company focuses on making sure they have great senior leadership.  But unfortunately, a...

Steve Lowisz: Why Your HR Department Shouldn’t Make Everyone Happy

There’s no doubt about it - Companies are seeing HR in a new light. For decades, HR carried a reputation that they were too focused on compliance and only protecting their company. But remote work, hybrid teams, retention challenges and COVID have made the value of a...

The Legal Ramifications of Leadership

The legal ramifications of leadership can have a huge impact on your business. As a leader, the last thing you want to do is trigger a lawsuit.  The reality is that a lawsuit is just the beginning – bad press and a sinking reputation often comes next!   In our last...

8 Steps to Improve Employee Performance Through Conversation

Driving team performance is one of the most persistent challenges in business. But if you leverage one-on-one conversations and approach them with the right mindset, you will be surprised at how much you can improve performance.  Here are 8 steps you can take to...

Steve Lowisz: Why Returning to the Office Doesn’t Always Solve Engagement Issues

Ever since the summer of 2020, there’s been an ongoing conversation around returning to the office. You’ll find heated perspectives on both sides of the issue – and employee engagement is always a part of the conversation.  Many teams think that returning to the...

Steve Lowisz: 3 Keys for Successful D&I Initiatives

Article authored by Qualigence CEO & founder Steve Lowisz In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, there’s been a renewed conversation around D&I among leaders, HR teams and recruiters. While it’s amazing that more people are talking about diversity,...

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Company Culture Articles

Learn more about how to build a culture that attracts, retains and engages high-performing team members.

Quick Tips to Manage Stress

Quick Tips to Manage Stress

  No one enjoys feeling stressed, but we have to admit a life without it would be a little boring. Without projects to care about and deadlines to keep progress chugging along, we would lose some motivation.     A little bit of stress can be a good thing according...

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Building a Culture of Accountability

Building a Culture of Accountability

It helps if a team shares a sense of humor or gets excited about the same sporting season. It helps if they’re all hanging out after work, or have kids in the same school.  But, all of this can amount to nothing if these coworkers do not share a culture of...

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Weighing the Pros and Cons of Meetings

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Meetings

As a hallmark of the business world, meetings present an opportunity for team discussion, assignment of various projects, and relationship building. For some, it is an arena in which one can voice opinions, discuss ideas, and plan for the future. While this certainly...

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4 Techniques to Combat ‘Imposter Syndrome’

4 Techniques to Combat ‘Imposter Syndrome’

For high-achievers and driven individuals, the subject of inadequacy is quite worrisome. Even the most talented groups of people often feel that they do not measure up to their own expectations, the expectations of others, or the achievement of their counterparts. For...

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Beware the ‘Toxic’ Employee, Warns Study

Beware the ‘Toxic’ Employee, Warns Study

Take a moment to think about the worst worker you’ve ever encountered. According to The Washington Post, many immediately jump to the conclusion that the worst worker is lazy and uninvolved in his or her work. However, a recent Harvard Business Review study has proven...

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35200 Schoolcraft Rd. 
Livonia, MI 48150
