
4 Types of Quality Candidates Recruiters Overlook

Reading resume after resume can be an exhausting process. Many recruiters naturally begin to reject CVs with even minor issues just to thin out the herd. Now, they’re able to present the highest quality resumes to the hiring manager, right? Not necessarily. The...

4 Practical & Simple Networking Tips for Recruiters

Recruiting in the 21st century revolves completely around social networks and the internet. LinkedIn has around 611,000 results for recruiting-related positions alone. With the market so oversaturated, it’s important to take some time to refer back to the basics and...

3 Huge Recruiting Mistakes That Cost You the Placement

It’s easy to blame recruiting frustrations on talent shortages or picky hiring managers but it’s high time that we address the elephant in the room. These issues are caused by broken recruiting strategies. A lot of the stress felt by recruiters can be alleviated by...

How to Build a Solid Recruitment Plan & Actually Stick to It

Recruiters are under a lot of pressure. Their judgment calls have a direct effect on a company’s bottom line, and you can bet the hiring manager is under about the same amount of pressure. One slip-up or messy interview can easily make or break the future of everyone...

5 Common Interview Biases & How to Avoid Them

When humans engage in any type of social interaction, it’s easy to inject unconscious biases into the equation. And since an interview is most definitely a social exchange, it paves the way for an interviewer bias to negatively influence the outcome of a...

How to Improve the Quality of Your Networking

Recruiting in the 21st century revolves completely around social networks and the internet. LinkedIn has around 611,000 results for recruiting-related positions alone. With the market so oversaturated, it’s important to take some time to refer back to the basics and...