
23 Super Important Questions to Ask Hiring Managers & Clients

Who’s more responsible during the hiring process: the hiring manager or the recruiter? Before we point fingers, let’s just agree that the talent landscape is changing… which means the role of a recruiter is changing, too. A communication upgrade is long overdue. Now...

3 Trends Shaping HR in 2023

Just two months into 2023, and it’s clear that the HR landscape is evolving dramatically.  The “future of work” has become the reality of today’s workplace.  While there’s a lot of challenges and uncertainty, the good news is that all this change is a great...

US Adds Over Half a Million Jobs in January

Heading into January, analysts were expecting the US to add roughly 185,000 jobs. But in recently released data from the Labor Department, it turns out the country actually added 517,000! Furthermore, the unemployment rate sank to a historic low of 3.4%. This report...

3 Ways to Stretch Your Recruiting Budget

With the economy shifting, a lot of companies are either cutting recruiting budgets, or generally expecting more for less. Recruiters are under a lot of pressure to meet hiring needs on a tight budget, but that’s easier said than done. If you’re in this difficult...