
Getting prepared for next year’s talent strategies can be exciting and a bit overwhelming.

Think of the new year as an opportunity to ditch reactive recruiting behaviors and start planning ahead as much as possible to ensure a steady transition for new hires and scalable, big-picture growth for your company.


Building a talent pipeline now while seasonality is on our side will enable your organization to pick from the best available prospects in the new year. Here are some effective practices to put into play now to get your team prepared for 2017:


To be more proactive, consider adopting some outbound focused metrics from your sales and marketing team. Marketing teams, for example, measure a great deal of outbound actions taken by their audience. These metrics usually prioritize relationship building, like social shares, product trials, or introductory calls.


Companies with a questionable, poor reputation end up spending at least 10% more per hire. Salaries can only do so much to make up for a poor employer brand, with nearly half of all participants in this Harvard Business Review study saying that they would still rule out a company with a poor reputation.

Your employer brand is a living concept that needs time and energy from your internal teams. It needs constant development to ensure it is transparent and genuine, and able to resonate clearly with the type of candidates that could see a future at your organization.



Attending job fairs, networking events, and joining relevant and active social media groups is actually the first step in creating a talent pipeline. The most effective talent pipelines are ongoing, complete with strategic conversations with prospects that have in demand skills that could fill critical roles in the future. Maintain authentic contact with talent that could mix up or fill gaps, and organize them into specific pools for access as opportunities arise.

How are you working to be less reactive in your recruiting?