
3 Ways Leaders Screw Up on Performance

Article written by Qualigence CEO & founder Steve Lowisz Getting the right performance with your team is one of the trickiest parts of leadership. At times, it can feel impossible to tell what our team needs to improve their performance. I could write a book on...

The #1 Reason Businesses Fail at Change

Look – organizational change is anything but easy. As a leader, you know how hard it can be to adopt new technologies, implement new systems/processes, restructure teams, or change our culture. But if we’re not changing, we’re dying. This is true under ordinary...

The True Cost of Turnover

Everyone knows that turnover is harmful to a business. However, it’s easy to lose sight of just how much turnover costs our organization.  Let’s put a dollar sign on it. Although the cost of turnover is going to vary depending on lots of different...

2.5 Million Jobs Added. Now What?

If you’ve been following the news, you saw the shocking jobs report from May. In a nutshell, 2.5 million jobs were added, bringing unemployment down to a relative low of 13.3%. That’s significant because economists predicted we would lose 8 million jobs. So in the end...

How Leaders Can Guide Their Business to Recovery

As the pandemic grinds on, it’s become increasingly clear that “business as usual” won’t cut it. Most businesses need to significantly adjust their strategy in order to succeed. Driving change and successfully adapting to the situation will hinge greatly on the...

Why People Analytics Are a Must for Candidate Selection

More and more companies are turning to people analytics for candidate selection…with good reason!  Let’s face it: the traditional recruiting process is far from perfect.  In fact, I would argue it’s unacceptable!  It’s hard to generalize recruiting results from...