
Scoring Candidates and Recruiters with Quality of Hire

According to SHRM, nearly 4,000 talent acquisition managers agree that Quality of Hire is the most telling metric of performance. The Recruitment Education Institute defines an effective recruiting metric as: Consistent in measurement Actionable and predictive Tracked...

Guiding Hiring Decisions with Candidate Personas

A comprehensive candidate persona can help your talent team know the exact fit for a role. A candidate persona enables us with a deeper understanding of the talent pool and increases the likelihood of rich, valuable engagement. Combine existing employee data with your...

The Hiring Process: How Long is Too Long?

  According to Glassdoor, the interview process can now on average take over 20 days. That’s up 10 days from 2011, and the now even lengthier process asks candidates for much more than patience. Everything from background checks, skill tests, and personality tests...

The Risky Business Associated with Weighing ‘Culture Fit’

When determining which candidates would succeed in a given work environment, more and more companies are prioritizing cultural fit. This basic notion stems from the idea that employees with similar goals, work ethic, and enthusiasm will create a thriving, successful...