
Resumes Are Dying – And That’s Okay

Resumes are dying Did you know that the average recruiter spends about six seconds reviewing each resume? Yikes. If you’ve worked in recruiting or talent acquisition, this should come as no surprise. The average job opening receives as many as 250 applicants, so it...

5 Quick Questions to Determine a Candidate’s Fit

From the get-go, it’s easy for recruiters to overlook qualified candidates. While resumes are a great starting point, recruiters have to pinpoint specific job seekers who meet the requirements of a role but aren’t a solid fit for the client. Ask these questions...

5 Common Interview Biases & How to Avoid Them

When humans engage in any type of social interaction, it’s easy to inject unconscious biases into the equation. And since an interview is most definitely a social exchange, it paves the way for an interviewer bias to negatively influence the outcome of a...

10 Ingredients to Create the Best Interview Experience

Important fact coming at you: 92% of U.S. adults have anxiety in anticipation of job interviews. Candidates are less likely to act like themselves and more likely to sabotage themselves when anxiety overtakes them. Whoever you are (e.g., recruiter, hiring manager, HR...

Scoring Candidates and Recruiters with Quality of Hire

According to SHRM, nearly 4,000 talent acquisition managers agree that Quality of Hire is the most telling metric of performance. The Recruitment Education Institute defines an effective recruiting metric as: Consistent in measurement Actionable and predictive Tracked...

Guiding Hiring Decisions with Candidate Personas

A comprehensive candidate persona can help your talent team know the exact fit for a role. A candidate persona enables us with a deeper understanding of the talent pool and increases the likelihood of rich, valuable engagement. Combine existing employee data with your...