
If you ask a classroom full of kids what they want to be when they grow up, you probably won’t hear any of them shout “a recruiter!”

Sure, it’s not as exciting as being an astronaut or as prestigious as being a doctor. That said, recruiting really doesn’t get a fair shake – with kids or adults.

For the right kind of person working with the right business model, recruiting can be an incredibly rewarding career.

We talked to a few recruiters around Qualigence to find out what makes recruiting such an interesting job.

Here are 5 reasons why recruiting is a great line of work, with some quotes from the recruiting team here at Qualigence.

1. You get to build relationships with people from all different sorts of backgrounds.

If you like talking to people, it’s hard to beat a career in recruiting. Better yet, you get to learn all about different industries and the backgrounds of various professionals.

“I enjoy my role as a relationship builder or recruiter. I’m not only a recruiter but I establish productive and life-changing relationships. My role as a recruiter gives me the opportunity to transform a person’s way of living, transform their environment and transform their future career.” – Mary Ann Lee, Recruiting Consultant

2. You get to learn about what makes people tick.

Every project is an exercise in learning what makes people tick and what’s important to them. For many people, this keeps things interesting as you’re always working to understand what motivates different individuals. Many recruiters make the mistake of assuming it’s always about the dollars or title for candidates, but quickly find out that people make career decisions all the time based on other factors.

Likewise, it’s pretty interesting to learn about different companies and their unique talent needs. You have an opportunity to provide expert consulting on what type of professional they need to hire to reach their business goals.

“One very interesting thing is that you can talk to 10 different people who all have the same job, yet they all describe that same job differently.” – Mark Schoenhals, Recruiting Consultant

3. No two projects are ever the same.

One of the nice things about working in a career so focused on people is that you’re presented with different challenges and situations all the time. No two candidates, clients, or projects are ever the same. This keeps things from getting stale and means you’re never really bored with doing the same thing over and over.

4. You drive your client’s business success.

99% of success in business starts with recruiting the right person. When you help a business make the right hire, you’re setting them up for a considerable amount of success in the future.

Take it from Jim Collins, who wrote about the importance of recruiting the right people before building a business strategy in Good to Great:

“The executives who ignited the transformations from good to great did not first figure out where to drive the bus and then get people to take it there. No, they first got the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) and then figured out where to drive it. They said, in essence, “Look, I don’t really know where we should take this bus. But I know this much: If we get the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats, and the wrong people off the bus, then we’ll figure out how to take it someplace great.”

5. You get to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Making a career move is often one of the biggest decisions in people’s lives. If you offer the care and attention these decisions deserve, you can make a significant positive impact on their life by helping them find the right role for their career goals and lifestyle.

“For me recruiting is about changing someone’s life hopefully for the better. It’s about know them as a person and really making a match that will ultimately advance their career, skills, etc. There aren’t many jobs that have that large of an impact. It’s a really satisfying feeling too when someone contacts you awhile after placement and says they got promoted or they are so happy they made the change and you helped them do it.” – Melissa McLean, Sourcing Manager and Recruiter

“I enjoy recruiting because I can have a meaningful impact on a person’s life. Family and career are two of the things that mainly define who we are as individuals. As a recruiter, I have the ability to impact someone’s life (hopefully for the better) each and every day.” – Ken Cummings, Recruiting Consultant
“I enjoy recruiting because I believe it is a very good career path for someone who likes/wants to produce results. A career as a recruiter is also rewarding because you are helping to shape the lives and careers of others and you learn a tremendous amount about different jobs and what motivates people.” – Mark Schoenhals, Recruiting Consultant

“Recruiting is interesting and not really what I had assumed it would be. It is a lot like being an honest and truthful salesman in that you need to be persuasive with the facts and selling points but also aware that there needs to be full transparency. That means you must also provide the risks or negative aspects that might come along with the position before the conversation goes on to further stages.

Under Qualigence, we are able to fully provide these best practices and it shows not only in client satisfaction but in the conversations we have with candidates daily. When a qualified candidate is excited about a new career opportunity and our client company is looking for someone with their skills to add to their team, how can you not be happy to work in recruiting?” – Justin Lamb, Sourcing Consultant

A Great Career for People Who Like People – and Making an Impact

Recruiting will never be for everyone, but if you enjoy working with people and playing a critical role in business success, it’s a very rewarding line of work.

No job is perfect, but recruiting is pretty awesome nonetheless!