
If you work in recruiting or HR, you know that these industries are always changing. With new technologies, regulations, and more shaking up the field every year, it’s crucial to stay informed about what’s coming next. 

So what’s on the horizon for 2020? Here are three trends we think will heavily influence talent acquisition and HR in the new year.

Company Culture is Increasingly Important

Company culture has always been important, but it hasn’t always got the time of day that it deserves. 2019 was a big year for company culture – for the first time ever, the Business Roundtable revised their mission statement to emphasize the importance of investing in employees. Furthermore, more and more studies are showing that company culture is as important (if not more important) as money to employees. 

The message is simple: if companies want to better attract, retain, and engage talent, they need to double down on company culture. And it’s not about ping pong tables or free lunches, either. According to Glassdoor’s research, the three biggest drivers of employee satisfaction are “a clear mission, high-quality senior leadership and career opportunities.”  

More and More Job Hunters are Searching on Mobile

People are spending more time on their phones and less time on desktops. That includes candidates, and companies looking to boost their talent acquisition process should take note. Unfortunately, very few companies have designed their application process around a mobile-first philosophy. It should be incredibly easy for someone to apply to a job on their phone, but companies are still playing catch-up here. As a result, they are losing out on top talent when people lose patience and move on without applying. 

In order to bolster talent acquisition efforts in 2020, businesses need to make sure they provide an eye-catching, easy-to-use experience for candidates on mobile. 

People Analytics Are Taking Center Stage 

Business leaders now use data to inform virtually every decision. Analytics have been used for some time in talent acquisition, but many HR departments are adopting them now as well. With people analytics, HR departments can ensure that teams are balanced with the right mix of personalities to ensure that we are innovating without taking excessive risk and so forth. 

Additionally, people analytics allows HR departments to play a strategic role in guaranteeing they have the right people at the organization to execute on the business strategy. Additionally, they can leverage analytics to ensure that employees are being given everything they need to deliver their best performance. 

Of course, the trick here is making sure that your business is using the right analytics platform. We’re partial to the Predictive Index, as their assessments are scientifically validated and designed for use in the workplace. Better yet, their assessments can be completed in just a few minutes, are easy to read, and offer actionable insights for hiring and management. 

A Bold New Decade

There’s no better time than 2020 to rethink your talent practices and see how you can improve. With the talent acquisition and HR continuing to evolve, this is a great opportunity to get ahead of the game with processes that add genuine value to the organization.