
Today’s recruiting world is challenging.


Classic recruiting methods seem to be upstaged by the immediacy of social media media for candidate connections. With brief LinkedIn messages, often with headlines that read “Please Respond Now” or “Awesome, Amazing, Life-Changing Opportunity”, it is easy to forget that this profession is built on building real relationships with real talent.

In order to obtain data regarding candidates or organizations, recruiters must blend traditional efforts like phone recruiting, some data from social networks, and context. Knowing when to ease up on a LinkedIn search that sends you down an inaccurate rabbit role is key.


When LinkedIn was new, it was a groundbreaking tool for recruiters. Over the years, however, recruiters have flocked to the internet in droves and have harassed millions of candidates every day for years. This has caused candidates brush past their inMail notifications, and begins the cycle of a poor candidate experience. Too often now, sending a message to a candidate is seen as an annoyance rather than a business proposition. If 92% of Fortune 1000 companies are LinkedIn customers, it can be tempting to be think you’re reaching the best pool of talent – not always the case.


It could be interpreted that a boilerplate inMail is a less personal, lazy attempt at building a relationship without getting updated contact information. It can imply that the recruiter is either not resourceful enough to get updated contact information, or without proper time to connect over the phone. In order to stand out from every other recruiter sending his or her advertisements through LinkedIn’s inMail, one must show the candidate that he/she is worth the time and effort that it takes to make a phone call as a follow up. That simple gesture often causes the candidate to open up and release more crucial information to the recruiter, who is now taken more seriously.



While LinkedIn profiles hold a plethora of information on some candidates, other candidates fail to update their profiles consistently. The problem with this inconsistency is that the recruiter has no way to tell how much is missing from a candidate’s profile or whether or not the missing information is crucial to the search. This causes many recruiters to pass up potentially outstanding candidates. With real effort made for relationship building, a recruiter can fill in the holes in each candidate’s LinkedIn profile (or even address candidates without LinkedIn profiles) and finally come closer to considering the entire candidate pool.For more information on how to best collect and utilize talent data, download our latest whitepaper.

How do you get the best possible candidate data?