
Disrupting the recruitment industry is something we’ve always believed in.

That’s why we went so far as to make it part of our mission…to transform the recruiting industry by putting people at the center of every business and unlocking their best performance.

In this blog, we’re breaking down WHY the recruiting industry needs to change – and what we envision for it moving forward.

Reason #1 Why We’re Disrupting the Recruitment Industry – Because Companies Deserve Better Hires

The biggest reason why we believe in disrupting the recruitment industry is quality of hire.

Recruiters have a bit of a bad reputation for not delivering great hires – and that’s a problem.

Part of it is because the traditional recruiting business models don’t incentivize quality (more on that later).

And part of it is because many recruiters aren’t held accountable for quality of hire.

Regardless, businesses NEED recruiting teams that will help them make high-impact hires.

It’s not just about hiring talented people. It’s about hiring people that will mesh with your unique team, leaders and culture.

Going a step further, recruiters need to help strategically build teams that can crush your goals.

That’s why we believe the industry needs a shake up. Recruiting should never be about filling seats. It should be about designing teams that thrive together and can execute on your goals!

Reason #2 Why We’re Disrupting the Recruitment Industry – Because the Traditional Models Don’t Add Value

The other big issue we see with the recruiting industry is the traditional business models.

Take contingency recruiting. The recruiters get paid a commission when they make a hire. This incentivizes recruiters to make hires fast and make as many as possible…but offers no incentive to ensure quality hires.

Retainers are similar, but with an upfront fee. You have to pay a lot of money before you’ve received anything of value, while the fees overall can be outrageously expensive.

Companies deserve great hires at affordable rates. That’s why we’ve always used an hourly model as part of our mission to disrupt the recruitment industry.

It puts the focus on quality hires above all else, without the upfront fees, startup costs or commissions.

Reason #3 Why We’re Disrupting the Recruitment Industry – You Need More Than a Recruiting Partner

We’ve long believed that recruiters and HR need to step back and look at the big picture of recruiting.

It’s never been about putting butts in seats or simply filling roles…

And if you’re not retaining or engaging quality hires, the money you spend on recruiting is wasted.

That’s why we strive to serve as MORE than a recruiting partner – but a comprehensive talent partner.

We leverage expert HR consulting and data analytics to help you design winning teams, engage employees, and achieve your goals.

Too many recruiters are content to fill roles and move on. Not Qualigence – which is why we’re disrupting the recruitment industry.

Forging a New Path for Recruiting

There are a ton of amazing people working in recruiting, and recruiters have always played a vital role in business. However, we’re never content to settle for the status quo.

That’s why we outlined this vision for disrupting the recruitment industry. It’s about pushing to make a greater impact and elevate our industry by doing MORE.

Are you with us?