
You can’t go to a recruiting conference, seminar, or any other talent-related function without hearing about the challenges in recruiting the younger generations.

As a member of the iY group working in talent acquisition, I have the ability to understand both sides. Talent acquisition is focused on filling jobs as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. The iY generation wants to be made to feel special, and given opportunities that align with their motivations, so they take their time before accepting a new opportunity.

The iY generation is a split between two groups we hear about often – Millennials (AKA Gen Y) and Gen Z (AKA iGeneration, known for their love of “i” products). This group contains the older Millennials already in the workforce, and the younger iGeneration about to enter the workforce. Recruiting this group, as we hear about daily, presents new challenges and opportunities.

With this new generation becoming more and more prominent in the workforce, gone is the traditional recruiting model of sending a generic message to someone you found online that advertises an elevated job title, compensation, and “great work environment”. Younger talent is less concerned with the surface details of the job and more concerned with how a job makes them feel. According to an article from Entrepreneur, the new generation lists “freedom, feedback, authenticity, relationships, and having fun” as their biggest motivators.

Taking those motivations into account, the recruiting approach drastically changes. How do we approach talent acquisition in a way that makes it clear a candidate is going to be happy based on the key motivators?

Company Branding

Tech giants like Google and Facebook tend to get the gold for being the most attractive companies to work for. They have a prominent brand based on purpose, freedom, and fun. However, the iY Generation doesn’t need a company to do their dry cleaning, give them sleeping pods, and provide child care to join an organization. You simply need to clearly define your vision for the company and deliver that message to the iY Generation through mediums they are already attracted to: social media, video segments, and community outreach.


My generation is focused on the feeling of importance. Rather than settling to be another number in a large organization, the iY Generation wants to be thought of as vital to the organization. Whether they really are an essential piece to the organization or not, you need to make them feel special, and that starts the moment you reach a candidate. Is it a generic email or InMail that says you have a role to fill? Or are you personalizing messages, and even setting aside time to call and find out more about them? 

Forget the quantity of candidates you have messaged and take an extra few minutes to type an email or leave someone a voicemail. Recruiting and sales are one in the same when it comes to individualized attention: you need to have a vested, genuine interest in them. If you do not have that, you’re less likely to hear back.

Follow up

Following up with candidates falls under multiple motivations previously stated: authenticity, relationships, and feedback. Chances are, if the individual is in discussion with you, they’re probably in discussion with others. If you say you’ll follow up with them and keep them in the loop on how the process is going, commit to doing it. Neglect this and you lose the opportunity, plain and simple. If a candidate has gone through the process (not every resume submitted, both those in process) and is dispositioned, give them feedback on why so they can correct this for the future. Honest feedback with the intention to help the candidate can result in real trust and another contact for future positions.

It’s possible to hit the mark and attract iY talent the right way. As iY becomes an integral part of the work force, talent acquisition will need to stay sharp and work to understand this generation. Realize flashy, non-traditional benefits aren’t everything, but instead ensure your company vision and branding tell your story effectively and authentically.